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Exam 200-355 Question id=2367 Configuration of Client Connectivity

You are on the phone working with a colleague that is console connected to a lightweight AP that has lost its configuration. Which three actions are necessary to allow the AP to connect to a controller?

A. Configure the AP IP address.
B. Configure the controller name.
C. Configure the controller IP address.
D. Configure the AP hostname.
E. Configure the AP IP default-gateway.
F. Configure the AP username and password.

In order to manually configure static information on a LAP using the AP CLI interface, you can use these EXEC mode CLI commands:
AP#capwap ap ip address <IP address> <subnet mask> AP#capwap ap ip default-gateway <IP-address> AP#capwap ap controller ip address <IP-address> AP#capwap ap hostname <name>

Notice the first 3 are needed for the AP to connect to the controller; the last step is optional and not needed for basic connectivity to the controller.