Exam 642-885 Question id=3327 High Availability Routing Features

On Cisco IOS-XR, which BGP process can be distributed into multiple instances?

A. BGP process manager
B. BGP RIB process
C. BGP speaker process
D. BGP scanner process
E. BGP dampening process

Cisco IOS XR allows you to control the configuration of the number of distributed speakers and enables you to selectively assign neighbors to specific speakers.

On the CRS-1 platform, multiple speaker processes up to 15 may be configured. However, configuring all the different speakers on the primary route processor simply adds to the load on the single RP.

Distributed speaker functionality is useful if Distributed Route Processor (DRP) hardware is available to take advantage of process placement.

In addition to the speaker process, BPM starts the bRIB process once BGP is configured. bRIB process is responsible for performing the best-path calculation based on partial best paths received from the speaker processes. The best route is installed into the bRIB and is advertised back to all speakers. The bRIB process is also responsible for installing routes


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