Exam 200-355 Question id=2372 802.11 Technology Fundamentals

Which statement about an infrastructure basic service set is true according to IEEE 802.11 specifications?

A. The set also is called an ad hoc network.
B. The BSSID is generated from the first wireless client that starts up in the IBSS.
C. The set enables the use of ESS.
D. No signals are relayed from one client to another client.

The set-up formed by the access point and the stations located within its coverage area are called the basic service set (or infrastructure basic service set, or BSS for short). Each BSS forms one cell.

We can link several BSS's together (it means we link access points) using a connection called a distribution system in order to form an extended service set or ESS. The distribution system can also be a wired network, a cable between two access points or even a wireless network.
Note: When a station moves from one access point to another in an ESS, it is called roaming.


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