Exam 200-301 Question id=5445 IP Connectivity

If a routing table contains multiple routes for the same destination, which were inserted by the following methods, which route will the router use to reach the destination network?

A. The route inserted by RIP
B. The route inserted by OSPF
C. The route inserted by BGP
D. The route configured as a static route

static route will be preferred because it has the lowest administrative distance. Routing protocols are dynamic routing methods. With the default configuration, static routes are preferred over dynamic routes.
The default administrative distance for the offered options is:
* RIP 120
* OSPF 110
* eBGP 20
* Static 1

When Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), and static routing is enabled on a router, the router will prefer the static route.


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