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Exam 200-155 Question id=4568 Application Centric Infrastructure

Which statement accurately describes Cisco ACI endpoint policy control?

A. consists of these two independent elements Cisco AHIC repository and Cisco ACI management consists
B. of these two logically coupled elements policy repository and endpoint registry
C. consists of these two logically coupled elements Cisco APIC repository and Cisco AC I management
D. consists of these two independent elements policy repository and endpoint registry

Endpoint policy control consists of two logically coupled elements:

Policy repository: This is a collection of policies and rules applied to existing or hypothetical (either deleted or not yet created) endpoints.

Endpoint registry: This is a registry of endpoints currently known to the Cisco ACI. External client endpoints are any external computing, network, or storage element that is not a component of the Cisco ACI. Client endpoints are directly connected to the Cisco leaf, or indirectly through a fabric extender (FEX) or intermediate switches (such as blade switches in the blade systems) or a virtual switch. For example, a computing endpoint can be a single virtual machine’s VM network interface card (vmNIC) or virtual NIC (vNIC), a physical server connection through a physical NIC, or a virtualized vNIC (SR-IOV, Palo, etc.)