Exam 200-120 Question id=141 Troubleshooting

Router# sh frame-relay map Serial0/1 (up): ip dlci 100 (x64, 0x1840), dynamic, broadcast,, status defined, active

What is the meaning of the term dynamic as displayed in the output above?

A. The Serial0/1 interface is passing traffic
B. The DLCI 100 was dynamically allocated by the router
C. The Serial0/1 interface acquired the IP address of from a DHCP server
D. The DLCI 100 will be dynamically changed as required to adapt to changes in the Frame Relay cloud
E. The mapping between DLCI 100 and the end station IP address was learned through Inverse ARP

Inverse ARP is a technique by which dynamic mappings are constructed in a network, allowing a device such as a router to locate the logical network address and associate it with a PVC.


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