Exam 400-101 Question id=1153 VPN Technologies

When creating a VPN tunnel, on which of the following devices should you issue the tunnel mode auto command?

A. on the responder only
B. on the initiator only
C. on both the responder and the initiator
D. on neither the responder nor the initiator

You should issue the tunnel mode auto command on the responder only. The tunnel mode auto command enables the Tunnel Mode Auto Selection feature, which simplifies the configuration of a virtual private network (VPN) tunnel. When Tunnel Mode Auto Selection is configured, the responder will apply the tunneling protocol and transport protocol that is established by the initiator. Tunneling protocols include Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) and IP Security (IPSec). Transport protocols include IPv4 and IPv6.
You should not issue the tunnel mode auto command on the initiator. The tunnel configuration parameters must be statically configured on an initiator.


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